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klo 13.12. "Kaupunkikuusi Jalavatiellä jouluaattona". Pertti
Manninen. Helsinki. Linja 10. Kuva.
Kuvia. Hetkiä Helsingissä jouluaattona 2005
hämärtyessä, tuiskun yltyessä.
Mannerheimintien itäpuolta 10-raitiovaunun kyydissä
verran. Kuvasarja.
Rauhallista Joulua! - God Jul! - Merry Xmas! Lista jouluaattona 2006 kiinni pitävistä likkeeistä: PAM:in lista! |
2006-12-22. Sanomisen
ja julkaisemisen vapautta vuodesta 1999
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guardian/inpictures aftonbladet.se dn.se "Elokuvalipulla kohtuuton hinta" |
"Saanko olla tässä, meitä löytämässä." Juice. Kuva. - "Naakat lentävät pimeässä illassa. Kuva. Ydinaseeton vyöhyke. Lue! |
Friday December 29 2006 Magadishu falls to anti-Islamists Gunfire and looting returns to the Somali capital as Ethiopian tanks roll in and warlords begin to reclaim their old territories. Ford attacks Bush over Iraq The late president called the war on Iraq a mistake in comments kept secret until after his death. The 'untouchables' of US science When Bush banned stem cell funding he effectively put researchers into quarantine. Ed Pilkington reports. Israel allows �6m arms delivery to Abbas's forces � Egypt sends guns and ammunition to Gaza � Weapons to help security force in fight with Hamas Four Rwandans held on genocide warrant � Appearance before magistrates today � Extradition sought over men who settled in Britain Saddam prepares to meet maker Speculation over the timing of Saddam Hussein's execution mounts after indications that it could take place this weekend. Wednesday December 27 2006 Gerald Ford dies at 93 Gerald Ford, who picked up the pieces of Richard Nixon's scandal-shattered White House as the only unelected president in US history, has died. Saddam death sentence upheld Saddam Hussein could be hanged within 30 days after the rejection of his appeal by Iraq's highest court. Conflict worsens in Horn of Africa UN security council calls emergency meeting. Castro does not have cancer, says surgeon A Spanish surgeon curbed speculation on the health of Fidel Castro, announcing the Cuban leader does not have cancer. Pakistan plans for fence and mines along Afghan border � Islamabad reveals move to stem flow of militants � Afghan permission not required, minister warns Guardian/ Worldlatest Picture galleries 24 hours in pictures Gallery: The best images from around the world. Hunger kills one child every 5 secs More picture galleries Guardian UnlimitedWorld weekly |
2006-12-22. Kuva. 24.12.2005 klo 13.12. "Kaupunkikuusi Jalavatiellä jouluaattona". Pertti Manninen. Helsinki. Linja 10. Kuva. Kuvia. Hetkiä Helsingissä jouluaattona 2005 päivän hämärtyessä, tuiskun yltyessä. 11-sarja. Mannerheimintien itäpuolta 10-raitiovaunun kyydissä vartin verran. Kuvasarja. Rauhallista Joulua! - God Jul! - Merry Xmas! Lista jouluaattona 2006 kiinni pitävistä likkeeistä: PAM:in lista! Kirjoituksia Sipoosta vuodesta 2004 lähtien. Lue! Uusimpana: Sipoon valtauskiistassa syyllistetään maalaisia. Helsingin Sanomat. Mielipide. Lue! Lauantai 2006-12-16. Kuva. "Hämärä laskeutuu talvisena iltana täysikuun aikaan". Laukaa. Kauppojen aukiolo jouluaattona. Esim. S-market avoinna ja Lidl kiinni. Asiakas on avainasemassa: Ehtiikö ostaa joulutavarat lauantaina klo 18 mennessä. Asiakas voi nyt äänestää valitsemalla jouluviikolla sunnuntaina, jouluattona kiinni pitävän kaupan! Myyntitilastoista tämä pystytään laskemaan. Kenen joukossa seisot? Lista jouluaattona kiinni pitävistä PAM:in listaan! Pertti Manninen. Kuva. Pääkirjoitus. Antti Herliniä koskeva Helsingin Sanomien tietovuoto ei selvinnyt. Pukki kaalimaanvartijana (osa x) eli "Keskusrikospoliisi: Herlinin epäilemistä rikoksista ei näyttöä. Antti Herlin halusi selvityttää uutisen lähteet." Helsingin Sanomat. Lue! Rikoskomisario Tero Haapalan omituista tulkintaa rikoksesta ja näytöstä. Lue! Lehti: Keskusrikospoliisi: Herlinin epäilemistä rikoksista ei näyttöä. Helsingin Sanomat. Lue! Liite. Tiedote: Security Trading Oy: ANTTI HERLIN HARKITSEE JATKOTOIMENPITEITÄ TIETOVUOTOASIASSA. Lue! Historiaa: Kuinka kaksi lehteä, Helsingin Sanomat ja Keskisuomalainen, kirjoittivat Antti Herlinin tutkintapyynnöstä koskien viranomaisten vuototoimintaa. Tietovuotoja. Kommentti eli pääkirjoitus. Lue! Perjantai 2006-12-15. Kuva. "MAGAZINE PAPER PRODUCER INDICTED ON PRICE-FIXING CHARGE." Deparment of Justice. Wednesday, December 13, 2006. Connecticun grand juryn Stora Ensoa vastaan nostaman syytteen alkusanat. Ylen kuvasta Petti Manninen torstaina 2006-12-14. Isonna! Perjantai 2006-12-15. Etusivu - Juttuja - Kartellisyyte Pääkirjoitus. Presidentti Martti Ahtisaari ilmiantajana. "Palkkiot antavat tietenkin hiukan lohtua sille, että on joutunut Juudaksen rooliin ilmiantajaksi. On tietenkin hyvä kirjata tämäkin Martti Ahtisaaren ominaisuus aikakirjoihin." Lue! Tiistai 2006-12-12.
Perjantai 2006-12-08.
Sanomanetti sunnuntai
2006-12-03. Sanomanetti maanantai 2006-10-23 Kuva. Hetken toivo. Budapest 23 lokakuuta 1956 iltapäivällä kuorma-auton lavalla ennen illan panssareita. Yksityiskohta vanhasta lehtikuvasta. Pertti Manninen. Sanomanetti lauantai 2006-10-21 Kuva "Naakat lentelevät levottomasti eräänä lokakuun aamuna". Kuva: Pertti Manninen. Kuva. Pääkirjoitus. Salaisuuksia. "Sota ja sotatilanne on niin poikkeuksellinen maan historiassa, että siinä tapahtuu kaikenlaista, mikä haluttaisiin painaa Unholaan. Nyt Lappeenrannan Huhtiniemestä löytynyt joukkohauta voi ehkä vahvistaa sen huhun, ...". Lue! "Vielä eräs tarina jäi myös mieleen. Ministeri Eljas Erkko lähti 'sukellusveneellä Ruotsiin karkuun pelättyään Neuvostoliiton miehittävän Suomen'. ..." Lue! Sanomanetti
maanantai 2006-10-16 Sanomanetti
maanantai 2006-10-09 |
Etsi nettisanomista: Sanomanetti + 'hakusana'. Sanomisen ja julkaisemisen vapautta vuodesta 1999. vuokrattavana käpylinna 400m2, jouluviikko 1000eur. tai omakotitalo 110m2, jouluviikko 500eur. molemmat keiteleen rannalla äänekosken liimattalassa Ilmoitus! Ilmoita ilmaiseksi- iIlmoitusssivulle! Vastaava päätoimittaja Pertti Manninen. Sanomanetti@ hotmail.com ![]() Sonera-kirjaan! altavista.com msn.fi google.fi fi/WebSearch Lapsen oikeuksien julistus |
December 19 2006 Blair's
last push in Middle East PM proposes bypassing
Hamas with aid to Abbas. Ahmadinejad
loses first poll test President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's
supporters fail to win key councils.
harvest Migrants working on Europe's fruit
harvests live like refugees. Felicity Lawrence reports from
Italy 'Americans'
helped Iraqi ex-minister escape jail The US
launched an investigation after a former Iraqi minister 'escaped'
from jail in Baghdad with the help of Americans.
UN urges condolence fund for Afghans The UN urged Nato to prevent innocent deaths after the shooting of seven Afghan civilians by British soldiers this month. Spain recalls a war fought on newsprint Exhibition of international writers who battled against fascism in bloody civil war. Joe Barbera, creator of cartoon classics, dies at 95 · Partnership with Hanna lasted more than 60 years · Tom and Jerry won duo seven Academy Awards Wednesday December 20 2006 US likely to bolster troops in Iraq George Bush confirms increase in troops is under consideration, despite opposition of top generals. Holocaust denier to be released David Irving should serve rest of sentence on probation, says Austrian court. 24 hours in pictures December 20: The best images from around the world. Fighters withdraw from Gaza New Hamas-Fatah ceasefire tentatively holds. Chester expects virgin birth A Komodo dragon has produced her own Christmas miracle. Thursday December 21 2006 'Father of the Turkmen' dies Death of Saparmurat Niyazov, hardline president of Turkmenistan, brings to end one of world's most eccentric personality cults. Bush calls for bigger US army Fears that up to 30,000 more troops may be sent to Iraq to quell the sectarian violence. Man 'hibernated' to survive fall Injured hiker survived 24 days in mountains without food or water. US warns North Korea not to divert nuclear talks The US has urged North Korea to focus more on dismantling its nuclear weapons rather than on the financial sanctions imposed upon it. Raúl Castro will not imitate 'irreplaceable' Fidel Fidel Castro's brother has signalled he will take a different approach to leadership if he takes over permanently from the ailing Cuban dictator. Iraq 'deadliest place for journalists' Iraq was the deadliest country in the world for journalists in 2006, with 32 killed. Monday December 11 2006 Glee and grief as Pinochet dies Man who 'brought Spanish inquisition to Chile' dies aged 91. Children of Hamas critic killed Three children of senior Palestinian intelligence officer shot by gunmen. Talabani hits out at Baker report Report 'wrong medicine for wrong diagnosis', says Iraqi president. Afghanistan's opium poppies will be sprayed · Calls for herbicide use follow record harvest · Fears sensitive move will boost support for Taliban Tuesday December 12 2006 Baghdad blasts kill 57 At least 57 people killed and 151 injured when two bombs exploded in a central Baghdad square where Shias gather each day in search of work as labourers. Russia seizes $20bn gas project Shell loses controlling stake in world's biggest LPG project. Annan calls for action in Darfur UN secretary general urges immediate action over atrocities. Torture is at the heart of the US 'war on terror' Comment is free: America has embraced the very evils it claims to confront, writes George Monbiot. Welcome to Obama-mania News blog: There is a definite buzz around a Barack Obama run for the White House, writes Simon Jeffery. Chilean government rejects state funeral for Pinochet · Body to be cremated amid fears of attacks on tomb · Capital quiet after 'victory parade' turns into a riot Wednesday December 13 2006 Bushmen win Kalahari land battle Bushmen forced out of Kalahari desert by Botswana's government win legal victory as high court ruled they were illegally removed from homeland and should be allowed to return Gunmen kill Hamas judge Palestinian PM cuts short trip abroad as factional crisis deepens. 'This is not a game' General Michel Aoun says Lebanon could face civil disobedience in support of opposition demands. Camel sacrifice gives bosses the hump Turkish Airlines management takes dim view of workers sacrificing a camel at Istanbul airport. Thursday December 14 2006 Circumcision could halve HIV risk · Trial outcome could mean huge cut in infection rates · Aids campaign group says results are a milestone Saudis warn US not to leave Iraq If US leaves Iraq we will arm Sunni militias, Saudi king warns Cheney. The town that Gazprom built Darker days ahead in Russia's Novy Urengoi as gas giant ends employees' cradle-to-grave care. British military inquiry rejects Kenya rape claims An inquiry into allegations that British soldiers raped more than 2,000 Kenyan women has found insufficient evidence for a criminal prosecution, it emerged today. Friday December 15 2006 Fatah blamed for attack on PM Hamas accuses forces allied to Fatah of an assassination attempt on the Palestinian prime minister Ismail Haniyeh. Somali militants call for holy war Fears that country is descending into new cycle of violence. Iran polls test Ahmadinejad First test of Iranian president's popularity since taking office. State of a nation Snapshot of the US revealed in annual survey: 65 days in front of the TV and five months of media. Saturday December 16 2006 Palestinians battle on the streets Clashes between Hamas and Fatah leave 30 injured as rival is accused of trying to assassinate PM Haniyeh. Florida executions put on hold Temporary reprieve for 374 prisoners on death row after botched injection. Memphis mourns Lizzie Bolden 116-year-old woman leaves 220 great-great-great-grandchildren. Bush likely to reject call for Iraq withdrawal Talks ruled out as more troops set to be sent in. Football final brings Iraq's warring factions onside Millions of football-mad Iraqis watch their team as it battle for gold in the Asian Games. Sunday December 03 2006 Rumsfeld: US failing in Iraq A leaked memo shows that the former Defence Secretary thinks a major change in strategy is needed, focusing on a staged pull-out of troops. Old women become 'martyrs' A 70-year-old blew herself up in a Hamas attack. She may be just the first of many elderly recruits. The House of Death David Rose reports on the Mexico killings that led to a Washington cover-up going right to the top. Revealed: Litvinenko's Russian 'blackmail plot' · Poison victim 'had intelligence files' · FBI probe KGB agent over new claims Monday December 04 2006 Chávez wins by a landslide Hugo Chávez wins third six-year term as president of Venezuela, after trouncing his rival, Manuel Rosales. US ambassador to UN resigns John Bolton the latest hawk to go after Democrats take Congress. The land with riches underfoot Xan Rice visits the gem rush at Madagascar's sapphire mines. Annan: Iraq was safer under Saddam Kofi Annan says Iraq is now more dangerous than under Saddam, and the violence worse than civil war. Tuesday December 05 2006 Military seizes power in Fiji Fiji's military commander takes control after bloodless ousting of prime minister - the South Pacific nation's fourth coup in 20 years. Pakistan could drop Kashmir claim Musharraf calls on India to agree to self-government plan. Central bark New York dispatch: New Yorkers are even crazier about dogs than the British, writes Ed Pilkington. 30 killed in Baghdad attacks Gunmen shoot 15 Shia government workers dead and two car bombs in another area kill same number. Guardian/ Worldlatest Wednesday December 06 2006 Gates: 'We're not winning war' Rumsfeld successor stuns Congress with sharp change of tone over Iraq and warning that attack on Iran 'could be devastating for US'. Iran to hold Holocaust conference Gathering will consider whether deaths took place. Nasa wants manned moon base Extraterrestrial living site to be built within 20 years as first step to launching missions to Mars. Moscow frustrates Yard's poison death inquiry · British police denied right to question witnesses · Merkel and Chirac put pressure on Kremlin Guardian/ Worldlatest Thursday December 07 2006 Bush: 'Victory' still matters Leaders face the media over Iraq Study Group findings. Turkey 'to open port to Cyprus' Ankara tries to resolve EU dispute. Top EU official photographed nude Commission vice-president shown on beach with female chief of staff wearing only a baseball cap. Litvinenko buried as investigations widen The poisoned Russian former spy Alexander Litvinenko was buried today in London. Guardian/ Worldlatest Friday December 08 2006 Bush-Blair split on Iraq proposals President rejects study group's idea of talks with Iran and Syria. UN makes plea for Palestinian aid Half of population short of food. An 80-hour week for 5p an hour Bangladesh factories break pledges from big UK retailers EU row looms over Turkish plan to break deadlock Greek Cypriots dismiss limited opening of ports as Athens calls for tougher sanctions on membership. Guardian/ Worldlatest Guardian Unlimited Saturday December 09 2006 Troops investigated over shooting Military authorities investigate allegations that UK soldiers shot indiscriminately on Afghan bystanders following bombing. Rumsfeld: we'll succeed in Iraq Defence secretary rejects study group's proposals in his final message. Sri Lanka's new enemy: salt Practical Action is backing seed trials to help farmers hit hard by climate change. Commonwealth suspends Fiji after coup The Commonwealth has suspended Fiji's membership in protest at this week's military coup - the third time in 20 years. Palestinian PM vows never to recognise Israel Tony Blair plans final peace push but few believe he will succeed. Guardian/ Worldlatest Sunday December 10 2006 Fears of war in Horn of Africa Fierce fighting between Islamist militias and government forces in Somalia threatens to ignite region Outback cracks under the Big Dry Five years of drought leave Australian towns on the verge of economic ruin. What next for the war in Iraq? George Bush is likely to disappoint his critics by pouring in more troops. Backlash over return of looted art Jewish families are winning back paintings seized by Nazis but German museums are questioning their motives. Guardian/ Worldlatest Picture galleries 24 hours in pictures Hunger kills one child every 5 secs More picture galleries Cartoon: Steve Bell on the Nato summit. C'mon guys! More cartoons by Steve Bell Guardian Unlimited Picture galleries 24 hours in pictures Hunger kills one child every 5 secs More picture galleries Cartoon: Steve Bell on the Nato summit. C'mon guys! More cartoons by Steve Bell Guardian Unlimited |
TOIMITUS. Vastaava
päätoimittaja Pertti Manninen. ![]() Copyright sanomanetti.fi 2006/576. Sivut: .2006-12-22, nettiin 2006-12-22, linkit 2006-12-22. |
Sanomanetti 2006-12-22 - Etusivu. 576. Kuva. 24.12.2005 klo 13.12. "Kaupunkikuusi Jalavatiellä jouluaattona". - Sipoo kirjoituksia. Kuva. "Viimeinen sävel". Sävelradio lopetti toimintansa ainakin nykyisellä taajuudellaan eilen keskiviikkona 2006-12-20. Viimeinen kuva MTV3:n Seitsemän uutisista tästä aiheesta klo 19.13. Välähdys alkoi tekstein "Suosittu Sävelradio vaikeni". Pertti Manninen. - Lopettamisen historiaa ja liikenneministeri Susannna Huovisen sekavia ensiperusteluja. Uutinen KHO:n päätöksestä. - Lista jouluaattona kiinni pitävistä likkeeistä: PAM:in lista! Kauppojen aukiolo jouluaattona. - Antti Herliniä koskeva Helsingin Sanomien tietovuoto ei selvinnyt. Pääkirjoitus - Kuva. Hämärä laskeutuu. - Kuva. "MAGAZINE PAPER PRODUCER INDICTED. Kartellisyyte. Stora Enso. USA.n viranomaisten nostama kartellisyyte. - Pääkirjoitus .Presidentti Martti Ahtisaari ilmiantajana. - perjantai 22.12.2006 - kuva - kuvat - pertti manninen - Sanomanetti |
Kuva. 24.12.2005 klo 13.12. "Kaupunkikuusi Jalavatiellä jouluaattona". Pertti Manninen. Helsinki. Linja 10. Kuva. Kuvia. Hetkiä Helsingissä jouluaattona 2005 päivän hämärtyessä, tuiskun yltyessä. 11-sarja. Mannerheimintien itäpuolta 10-raitiovaunun kyydissä vartin verran. Kuvasarja. Rauhallista Joulua! - God Jul! - Merry Xmas! Lista jouluaattona 2006 kiinni pitävistä likkeeistä: PAM:in lista! |